Tuesday 9 September 2008

Dynamics AX 2009 - Bug List 1

For those of you who are looking to move to Dynamics AX 2009, here are some bugs/issues that you might find worth knowing about before you start.
Journal Grid Export to Excel

We found that if one did an inquiry which returned a large number of records for an account (say 10,000 records) they would be returned to the grid, BUT exporting them to Excel produced erroneous records. This will only happen if you DO NOT navigate the grid prior to exporting the data to Excel. You can easily see the problem as it stamps every record with exactly the same journal number, being the first one. If you navigate the grid first you will get the correct records in Excel. One only has to hit Cntrl-Home and then export. So there is a problem but also a very easy work around.

Fixed Assets Movements Report

When running this report you will get an exception thrown as seen below:

The reason, Variable fieldPrintFAInfo_FR is only initialized under the French configuration key, but is accessed under all configurations.

The solution, Add check for French configuration key in getFromDialog() method.

Grid Sort Order
Now Microsoft are not totally convinced that this is a bug but I am going to stick to my guns on this one. Every single software product in the market place that uses grids and allows sorting by clicking on the heading, sorts in ascending order first. All the grids in AX 2009 default to sort in descending order first. MS inform me that this can be changed but I am not convinced that out of the box sorting should be descending.
Unsaved Changes in the AOT Mark Objects as Changed
This is just downright annoying. If you go into the AOT and say for example right click on Addresses under forms and select edit, the edit screen will appear. Now do nothing but close down the edit screen. You will notice that a red vertical strip will appear next to the object and if you close and open the AOT it has been marked as changed with (usr) layer. This is valid for all objects in the AOT that we have looked at.
As we come across any others (I am sure we will), I will post them.
- Paul Steynberg

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