Thursday, 4 December 2008

PPS Management Reporter - Some Key Tables

While authoring some reports using the Management Reporter Designer from PerformancePoint Server I had reason to start digging through the tables in order to make sense of the row definitions. During this little excavation I identified some tables that thought might just be useful for somebody else if they knew this information upfront.

Firstly it would appear as though the report meta data is stored in a set of tables with the prefix “Control”. So for example the row definitions are stored in a number of tables but the one that resembles the layout in the designer is “ControlRowDetail”. Listed below are a list of tables that I needed to look into.


When one has connected to a Management Reporter database (known as a connection) you are then required to connect to an entity. One creates an Entity and when doing so you have 2 “out of the box” sources being the Financial Data Mart 7.0 or PerformancePoint Server. This data is stored in the ControlCompany table. The connection data is stored in XML format and looks something like this:

EntitySetting Name="Connection"; Value xsi:type="xsd:string" /; /EntitySetting; EntitySetting Name="Model"; Value xsi:type="xsd:string";Financial Reporting/Value; /EntitySetting; EntitySetting Name="FunctionalCurrency"; Value xsi:type="xsd:string";ZAR/Value; /EntitySetting; EntitySetting Name="Calendar"; Value xsi:type="xsd:string" /; /EntitySetting; EntitySetting Name="Address"; Value xsi:type="xsd:string";http://servername:46787/Value; /EntitySetting; EntitySetting Name="Application"; Value xsi:type="xsd:string";TheGroup/Value; /EntitySetting; EntitySetting Name="ModelSite"; Value xsi:type="xsd:string";FinanceModel/Value; /EntitySetting; EntitySetting Name="OLAPServer"; Value xsi:type="xsd:string";OlapServerName/Value; /EntitySetting; EntitySetting Name="OLAPDatabaseName"; Value xsi:type="xsd:string";TheGroup_FinanceModel/Value; /EntitySetting; EntitySetting Name="Cube"; Value xsi:type="xsd:string";Financial Reporting/Value; /EntitySetting; EntitySetting Name="CalendarHierarchy"; Value xsi:type="xsd:string";Financial Calendar/Value; /EntitySetting; /ArrayOfEntitySetting;

Associated with the Entity is also a Building Block Group. This is stored in the field SpecificationSetID.


The ControlSpecificationSet table stores the Id, Name and Description of the Building Block Groups referred to in the ControlCompany table.


By using the SpecificationSetId from the ControlSpecificationSet table one can then return the Id’s and descriptions of the Row Definitions for the Building Block Group selected.

Now in order to get to the data that I needed (ie what accounts make up the lines in the Row Definition) one has to look at several tables being the ControlRowLinkMaster which gives you the ID for the ControlRowCriteria field called RowLinkId. You obtain the RowDetailId from the ControlRowDetail. This is used to build a query on the ControlRowCriteria, see example below:

select * from dbo.ControlRowCriteria where
rowlinkid='76DCEA67-9069-46E1-9704-2F42A3E0BC72' (Obtained from
ControlRowLinkMaster) and rowdetailid='E430DB82-081B-475A-B7E4-81AF5ECC3725'
(Obtained from ControlRowDetail)

You now have the dimensions and exactly what the criteria for each of those dimensions are for the row being looked at.

I needed to do this in order to generate a list of lowest level accounts from a report to make sure that EVERY account in my hierarchy was represented in the report at some point.

I am sure that the same logic above can be applied to Column Definitions etc etc.

Other tables worth mentioning are those surrounding security which all start with the word “Security”. So to find your users you look at SecurityUser etc.

- Paul Steynberg

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